C4 Innovations

Bringing Racial Equity to Homeless Response Systems

Regina Cannon, C4’s Chief Equity and Impact Officer, is a leader at the forefront of work to re-imagine, re-design, and launch new racially equitable homeless response systems through the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Over the past year, she has been leading conversations, developing strategies, and implementing equitable practices with HUD staff and technical assistance partners to address over-representation of people color among those who are homeless by applying a racial equity lens to all efforts to increase housing stability and decrease homelessness.

As a result, several products sharing guidance for advancing racially equitable homeless systems are available to HUD grantees and their communities including:

COVID-19 Homeless System Response: 5 Tips to Approaching Rehousing with Racial Equity
COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Part 1-Equity as the Foundation
COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Data and Equity-Using the Data You Have
COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Increasing Equity in the Homeless Response System through Expanding Procurement

Regina Cannon conceptualized and is also co-leading HUD’s Coordinated Entry Equity Demonstration Project. The goal of the demonstration project is to achieve racially equitable housing outcomes for people who are homeless by centering the experiences of people of color. Eight communities are participating and learning from her about how to re-think homeless response systems and fundamentally change their approaches to achieve racially equitable solutions.

Learn more about C4’s work to promote racially equitable homeless response systems and read lessons learned from 2 demonstration project participants.